S.T.E.M. Fact
170 is 10101010 in binary
170 is 2222 in quaternary
170 is AA in hexidecimal
How would you write “Pack 170”
in octal?
2023 North Shore District
Pack of the Year!
For the 7th Consecutive Year: Since 2017

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North Shore District Newsletter

Pack 170 Leaders @ University of Scouting
We have a saying in Scouting… “Every Scout deserves a trained leader”… and Pack 170 leaders take that to heart with 100% of our leaders YPT-trained (Youth Protection Training), 100% position-trained, and great attendance at University of Scouting.
Will You Support My Scouting Journey?
Every Fall at Pack 170 we sell popcorn as our fundraiser. Each year we have a delicious assortment of different types of popcorn that we sell. We sell at storefronts, door to door, and through our online website. Scouts learn the value of hard work, earning their own way, public speaking, salesmanship, people skills, setting and achieving goals, and money management. And in return the Scouts earn great prizes! This is a great opportunity to offset the cost of Scouting for parents to...

Preparing the Pumpkin Patch
Pack 170 families are fortunate to have the help of Rockbridge United Methodist Church. We hold our Pack meetings at ACTS Church Leander, our chartered organization, but Rockbridge graciously hosts our den meetings. In return it is our duty to say thank you in the Scouting way, by providing needed service.It has become an annual tradition for the Scouts, Scouters, and their families to turn out in September to help Rockbridge prepare their pumpkin patch. Every year, the church brings in more...

DING, DING, DING, DING… Cub Scouts Crossing!
Welcome all of the new Scouts of Pack 170! When a Scout crosses over to the next level of Cub Scouting, they become our newest Scouts at that level, so welcome new Tigers, Wolves, Bears, Webelos, and Arrows of Light! It was a fun event with the Cub-O-Meter and dozens of Scouts walking the bridge. This is one of our favorite times of the year as buttons were popping all over the place while proud families cheered their Scouts on.[cwp_image_collage num_image="8" eight_style="three"...
First Aid & CPR: A New Tradition
For a third year, Pack 170 has given all Webelos and AOL Scouts the opportunity to earn both CPR and First Aid certification. I think we can now call it a Pack tradition. It started with an Assistant Webelos Den Leader who was also a passionate Pack Health & Safety Officer. He arranged for the Scouts to earn these certifications to enable their First Responder adventure and it grew from there. Thanks Mr. Nick. I am a fan of Scouting traditions, including starting new ones. I can’t think of...

Pinewood in Pictures!
A huge THANK YOU to Cedar Park Nissan for once again allowing us to hold our pinewood derby on the showroom floor!
Cub Scouting Means “Doing”
Take our “Scouting 101” Tour

Check out nsdbsa.org
for more information about Scouting in Leander and Lago Vista ISD.
Why join pack 170?
“Prepared for Life.” That is the moto of the Boy Scouts of America, and also what fuels Pack 170, from the leaders to the scouts and their parents. By living the Scout Oath themselves, our decorated leaderships’ motivation enables us to maintain a year-round program preparing every scout to succeed not only in the BSA when they continue their journey but also in life. Dedication from parent volunteers and leaders is the force that makes us a successful pack. Having stated this there is no such thing as scout activities without some guaranteed fun!!! Here are some of the reasons why Pack 170 would be a best fit for you and your child:
- The Pack runs as a family with dedicated volunteer parents and scout leaders from all levels of life and the scouting organization.
- Our diverse group of scouts bring in with them parents who are experts in many industries. This makes us a resourceful group.
- We cater to variety in participation. We have scouts that love and breath it and scouts that share the scout life with other activities.
- Pack activities focus on the scouts having fun and enjoying their time while learning.
- Some of the activities that our current scouts enjoy are camping in NASA Space Station in Houston, overnight stays at Round Rock Express game, Reading Around the World Movie Nights in the Summer, Pinewood Derby Race, to list a few.
- Our in-house NOVA and SuperNOVA Councilor allow us to run a STEM program for all scouts, whether they aim to achieve SuperNOVA or not.
What families have to say about the pack:
There are two phrases and one item that I think sums up Pack 170. “Grass doesn’t grow under their feet”, “Go big or go home” and a big old Oak Tree.
When this pack decides to do something, they make sure they do their absolute best. This results in a “go big” feeling for everything and I mean everything. For example: amount of popcorn sold, #of awards each child earns, scope of trips taken, details and scope of each event such pinewood derby and blue and gold. While this is a very motivated and active pack no one pack can do everything and they recognize that and thus there are some events they do not offer every year such as space derby and box car races.
They not only truly do their best at each activity but they act on ideas swiftly and thoroughly. They are constantly working on the next few meetings/events/goals. For example, blue and gold planning doesn’t start in December like it does with many packs but in August. A full calendar is planned out in May and from there each person takes their part and starts planning and making it happen. With this constant movement one could say “grass doesn’t grow under their feet”
A large old Oak tree has many parts, fluidity and stability creating one amazing tree. Pack 170 has all of this. Like the base of the tree it has strong key 3 leader ship. Like the larger branches it has an amazing and full committee. The smaller branches are the fantastic den leaders. The many leaves are all of the scouts and parents. A tree grows in all of these parts every year and so does pack 170. Each year a few families transition out and new parents join. Regardless of the transition, positions are changed smoothly retaining their strength. This is due in part to “passing along info and tips” and largely to their constant encouragement of continued training for all adults and an eye on the future.
With everyone doing their part and the strong constant leadership this pack is a force to be reconned with and a place that you can feel confident that you and your scout will get the absolute best and most amazing scouting experience in the central Texas area. A program worth traveling for.
Division by 8 | Quotient | Remainder (Digit) |
(170)/8 | 21 | 2 |
(21)/8 | 2 | 5 |
(2)/8 | 0 | 2 |
Pack 252(8)