The leaders of Cub Scout Pack 170 have more than 100 years of cummulative experience as both Scouts and Scouters in a variety of programs offered by the Boy Scouts of America. While some of our leaders also volunteer at the council and / or district level, we are dedicated to delivering the best program possible for the Scouts of Pack 170 as our first priority.

100% of our leaders have completed the required training for their role and many of them have earned BSA training knots for their role. Some of our leaders have been recognized at the district and council level including Northern Star, Silver Squirrel, and the District Award of Merit, the highest award that a district can bestow, and some have / are pursuing advanced training such as Wood Badge. These are a testament of our commitment to the Scouts of Pack 170.

Key 3 Leaders

The Pack Key 3 are the three top individuals within the unit.

Ms. Shannan

Ms. Shannan

Committee Chair

Mr. Rob

Mr. Rob


Mr. Nick

Mr. Nick

Chartered Org Rep

Pack Committee

The pack committee consists of at least three members (chair, secretary, and treasurer) and handles administrative and support tasks so pack and den leaders can focus on working directly with the Cub Scouts.

Ms. Shannan

Ms. Shannan

Committee Chair

Mr. Larry

Mr. Larry


Ms. Jennifer

Ms. Jennifer

Advancement Chair

Ms. Misty

Ms. Misty

YPT Champion

Mr. Jason

Mr. Jason

Popcorn Kernel

Mr. Charlie

Mr. Charlie

Derby Chair

Ms. Hayley

Ms. Hayley

Health & Safety Officer

Vacant Position

Vacant Position

Training Chair

Vacant Position

Vacant Position

Outdoor Activities Chair

Vacant Position

Vacant Position


Vacant Position

Vacant Position

S.T.E.M. Coach

Pack Leaders

The Pack leaders are responsible for planning and conducting the Pack program. 

Mr. Rob

Mr. Rob


Mr. Jaime

Mr. Jaime

Assistant Cubmaster

Den Leaders

Den leaders carry out the activities related to adventures as they are presented in the Cub Scout’s handbook and the Den Leader Guide.

Mr. Curtis

Mr. Curtis

AOL Den Leader

Ms. Shannan

Ms. Shannan

AOL Asst. Den Leader

Mr. James

Mr. James

Webelos Den Leader

Ms. Jennifer

Ms. Jennifer

Webelos Asst. Den Leader

Mr. Charlie

Mr. Charlie

Bear Den Leader

Mr. Rob

Mr. Rob

Bear Asst. Den Leader

Mr. Craig

Mr. Craig

Wolf Den Leader

Ms. Christine

Ms. Christine

Wolf Asst. Den Leader

Vacant Position (Ms. Hayley Covering)

Vacant Position (Ms. Hayley Covering)

Tiger Den Leader

Ms. Hayley

Ms. Hayley

Lion Den Leader

Technology Team

Technology Team is responsible for managing the technology assets of the pack and advising the Pack committee on technology adoption. They also assist Pack members with technology questions as they are able.

Mr. Jaime

Mr. Jaime

Technology Captain

Pack 170 District/Council Leaders

Members of Pack 170 that also serve Scouting in the North Shore District (NSD) and / or the Capitol Area Council (CAC).

Mr. Nick

Mr. Nick

NSD Super Derby Chair
NSD Training Chair
NSD YPT Chanpion
NSD Popcorn Kernel
NSD Roundtable Commissioner Scouts BSA