Be Prepared… the meaning of the motto is that a scout must prepare himself/herself by previously thinking out and practicing how to act on any accident or emergency so that he/she is never taken by surprise. ~ Lord Robert Baden-Powell
WEBELOS have an adventure called First Responder. Scouts learn how to build a First Aid kit, and create an Emergency evacuation plan and first aid skills. This is their first real exposure to Health and Safety apart from the leaders saying “be safe”. As they will grow into Scout BSA, Health and Safety will be part of their journey through advancement requirements and eagle scout required merit badges.
Pack 170 is working hard on having our Scouts ready for Scout BSA and we do our best to provide the appropriate teaching to achieve that goal.
For the past couple of years, as part of the First Responder adventure, we call in CPR Resources who are professional firefighters and deliver certification classes for First Aid and CPR/AED.
Every year, our WEBELOS are actually CPR/AED and First Aid Certified!

CPR has been around in some form since the mid 16th century and was developed as scientist’s understanding of human anatomy improved. In the mid-1700s, a group of Amsterdam citizens formed a group named “Society for Recovery of Drowned Persons” Proposing rules to follow to revive a drowning victim. It was such a success that it spread across Europe and later migrated to America. CPR has gained massive popularity since, saving approximately 92,000 lives each year.
For two hours, the Scouts (and parents) are laser focused on the life saving skills they are being taught. By the end of the evening, they have learned how to treat sun burns and scratches but they are also able to save lives.
As leaders, our reward is the smile on the kids faces. When they receive their certification cards, it goes from ear to ear and when they go back to school, they make sure the staff knows they are certified.
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